Interview Pauline Lindwall – Preisträgerin des Women’s Board Award 2020

Pauline Lindwall wurde in diesem Jahr mit dem Women’s Board Award 2020 ausgezeichnet. Vor 10 Jahren war sie Mentorin in unserem Cross-Mentoring Programm in Frankfurt. Was der Award für sie bedeutet und was sie gerne anderen Frauen mitgeben würde, erzählt sie uns im Interview:

  1. Dear Mrs Lindwall, first of all congratulations to the Women’s Board Award 2020. What does this award mean to you?

Thanks a lot.

I was incredibly proud and happy, and I felt honoured to win this award among this incredibly competent collection of women who had accomplished so much. My family was also part of the audience, when I received the award, which meant a lot for me.

The award has really expanded my network. Now I am eager to take on new Board assignments, and I have also expressed my interest in taking on the role as Chairman when the time is right. I am also very excited about the Board Course, ‘Digital Transformation of Boards’, that was part of winning the award, since this is a relevant topic that we often discuss during our board meetings. I look forward to share the learnings with my boards.”

Could you please present yourself to our readers. A short insight in why you chose your profession and in your career path would be wonderful.

I have a background as International Senior General Manager. I  have worked with some of the most recognised global Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) brands at Nestle’ and Mondelez. I have international experience from Sweden, the UK, Denmark, Indonesia, Germany and Switzerland. I currently work as Independent Board Director with Swedish Match AB, Duni AB (Sweden) and McKesson Europe AG (Germany). I also work as Senior advisor for Ernst&Young where I am using my Business to Consumer and FMCG experience for planning, implementing and creating commercial organizations.


  1. You have been on different boards of international companies. What’s most inspiring in your work?

I find the culturel differences between countries and also between companies very inspiring.

I believe it is important to have a deep cultural understanding and sensitivity to be a valuable Board Member. International experience is not only about understanding the commercial part of the business or the knowledge about different markets and customers, but also about working in environments that are different from what you are used to.


  1. What was your professional career like? What challenges did you have to meet on the way to the top?

The main challenge was to manage different kind of businesses, in growing markets where I had a strong backwind and then moving on to a turn-aro

und business in a declining market with a strong head wind. Now working with Boards my main focus is to ensure that the business has a clear long term strategy which means having the trust to leave the daily operational business topics to the management team.




       4. What should women take into consideration on their way into leading positions and what helps them staying there?

A curiosity for learning new things and taking on new challenges as well as the importance of courage and self confidence.


  1. Ten years ago you were mentor in the Regional Frankfurt Mentoring Program? Do you recall any experiences you gathered during the program?

This was one of my first experience of being a mentor. It was an interesting journey where we both learnt a lot. I have then continued to take on different mentor roles both internally and externally.


  1. How important do you think are female role models for women wanting to succeed?

Very important, especially in male oriented industries. Being a role model means supporting and inspiring other womers to grow.


  1. Are there any experiences or advice you would like to share with women in leading positions who are still on their way to the top?

To be surrounded and supported by friends, families, colleagues and of course your manager.

This support has been crucial throughout my career and I try to give the same support to those I work with. I have always been very proud to see my team develop and succeed. It feels like this way of leading is becoming more relevant today because of the times we are in and everything that is happening in our world. This is an important role for the Board too, in addition of being a control function, the Board should support the CEO and the management team by providing a long-term direction that the company is able to comply with.”





Thank you very much for your time and for sharing you thoughts with us.